Stalking Trout & Char During the Egg Drop

31 Aug Stalking Trout & Char During the Egg Drop

While we often talk about the fantastic mousing that we have, but many times fooling our beautiful leopard trout requires a more delicate and precise technique – matching the hatch, salmon egg style. The salmon runs are in full swing here on the Aniak, and like clockwork, the beautiful trout and char are now stalking the shallows below the salmon reds waiting for the free meals to begin. Often times the fish are so focused on gorging themselves that they attack flies with reckless abandon, but this does not mean that anglers can also be reckless. Follow these 4 tips when fishing the egg drop, and see your success rates jump higher than the trout.

1. Be Patient

It can be tempting to rush into a run and start fishing immediately in anticipation of the action that is about to commence. This excitement can lead to overlooking or even potentially spooking fish. Big trout do not get big by being dumb.  Though cautious, they are often times predictable.  A good rule of thumb is to spend a little time back in the bushes observing what is naturally occurring.  If you can predict the fish’s movements ahead of time, you will be better equipped to fool him when he decides to eat.

2. Ninja Approach

To survive in Alaska, all creatures must be on their toes. For the fish of the Aniak, bears, eagles, and other predators are always on the look out for an easy meal. Consequently, the fish are always keyed in on any movement near the stream bank, shadows from above, or even vibrations from splashes upstream. When searching for fish, keep stealth in mind and see the fish before it sees you.

3. Less is more.

Because salmon often spawn in shallow water, the typical nymphing accessories are usually not necessary and often impede your success. Trout are keyed in on the way eggs naturally drift and can spot an imposter quickly. Ditch the indicator and extra weights and find yourself hooking up more often.

4. During high sun, fish a little deeper.

Everyone knows that trout and char are crepuscular, meaning that they are active during the low light hours of morning and evening. The fish of the Aniak are no exception. High sun and clear water leave the fish exposed to predation. During these hours you can typically find fish dropping back into the deeper runs adjacent to or below the spawning salmon. Focus your efforts there and hook up on some fish while the rest of your crew is breaking for lunch.

Sockeye Reds